MBA Candidate at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | Tax Equity | Energy Finance | M&A | Corporate Development | Energy Transition | Strategy

investment tax credit (ITC)

The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is a federal tax credit available to U.S. taxpayers who invest in renewable energy installations such as solar, wind, energy storage, biogas, microgrid controllers, and geothermal systems. Established to propel the adoption of clean energy, the ITC contributes to lowering the nation’s carbon emissions, fostering economic expansion by creating jobs in the renewable sector, promoting energy self-sufficiency by reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and stimulating innovation in eco-friendly energy technologies. The ITC comprises two key components, each designed to support different aspects of the renewable energy investment process.

The following table outlines the distribution of Investment Tax Credit components scheduled for allocation to various projects over time

Summary of Investment Tax Credit (ITC) Values Over Time

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